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Manufacturer: Omron
The power supply voltage AV100 ~ 120V, 200 ~ 240V
Execution time: 0.75 to 2.25 s (basic instructions),34 to 724 s (function no. instructions)
I/O control method: Cyclic, programmed, scheduled, and zero-cross refreshing
Control input signal START INPUT
(in RUN mode, PLC operates when contacts are closed and stops when contacts are opened;24 VDC, 10 mA)
Control output signal: RUN OUTPUT; dry contact (contacts are closed while PLC is in RUN mode; maximum switching capacity
2 A, 250 VAC (resistive load, p.f. = 1), 0.5 A, 250 VAC (inductive load, p.f. = 0.4), 2 A, 24 VDC)
Memory protection Status of HR bits, AR bits, preset value of counters (CNT), and contents of data memory (DM) are retain during power failure.
RAM Pack, battery back-up: Program (including clock function) and data areas protected.
RAM Pack, capacitor back-up: Program and data areas protected.
EEPROM Pack (without clock function): Data areas protected.
EEPROM Pack (with clock function): Clock function and data area protected.
C200H-CPU31-E: Program and data areas (including clock function) protected
Battery life : 4 years at 25C (77F); shortened at temperatures higher than 25C. Replace battery with new one withi 1 week when ALARM indicator blinks.
Self-diagnostics: Errors for CPU failure, Battery, Scan time, Memory failure, I/O bus, I/O verify, Remote I/O, Link error,Special I/O Modules, CPU Bus Modules.
Agency approvals UL listed, file number: E95399, CSA certified, file number: LR51460
Memory capacity: 6,974 words (with 8K-word memory)
Shipping Weight: 2 Kg